Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 19, 2008



FouNd a Fun gaMe From kAiming's FriendstER aCcount..
gO try it at The End oF my BLog..
dun ForgEt to ClicK on the WhaTever AdvErtisEmEnt on my Slide Bar..


i'M haNging aRound in The shoP agaIN..
JUst atE soME ceREal..
toDay is a liTtle biT quiEt so i GeT to uSe the compUter..

He's in Sabah nOW preCIous..
He sAys he's LiviNg in SHangRi-La Hotel..
anD hE haS a Sea-VIew rOom too..*JEaloUS*
hE toLD me His BoSs aSk wHy is hIs gf nevEr go AlonG..
BuT i'M alL the waY in US..
hoW i WisH i Can bE wiTh hiM tHEre too..hEhe..
anD we Just agREed thaT i wiLL follOw him to His nExt DestinatioN if i'm alLOwed to.. =P
anyWay dun JealOus benxiNg..
i'M leavIng to FloriDa tmr.. =P
anD it's GonnA be 10 DayS withOut the COmputeR..

*BEnxing..i'LL go The MummY's riDe in UnivErsAl to Look for YouR lonG losT Cap..WUahahaha*

LogGing off..MuaCkz..

Monday, June 16, 2008

paRt timE joB


I'm DoiNg somE unpaiD paRTtimE joB at goR's shoP noW..
I cannOt say iT's FUn..
buT get to leaRN a lITtle..
at lEast i bRush up my English..
AmEricaN enGlish..
Coz i Do chat wiTh thE custOmer..
anSwer calL to tAke appointMent anD cleaR soME enQuiries..

Oh wE'vE deCided to Go flOrida on thE 19 junE...
thaT wilL be a toTal of 10 DayS..
joE & bEtty jiE wilL be gOIng aloNg wiTh mE too..
We GoiNg to DisNEy (maGIC kingDOm,MGM,EPCOT,AnimaL KIngDom)..
wE GoiNg to UnivErsaL StuDio..
We GoiNg to Sea WorlD..
We goiNg to AquaTIca WatEr paRK Too..

OoppS..BettY jiE aSK me to takE carE of thE couNTer noW..
talK to u LateR preCious..
loGging Off..muaCkz~

Sunday, June 15, 2008

byE to mY olD GlassEs


13 juNE 2008 [Friday]

Ahh...i BrokE my Glasses..SaD..
so weNT to make a nEw onE..
herE the lEnses arE So expensivE..
i ChoOse a MiuMiu frames at arOUnd $269..
anD the lenSes are eVen a LittlE biT more eXpenSive thaN thAt..
280+..can't RemEmber le..BuT it's So ExpEnsiVE!
GonNa staY on with conTacT lenSe unTil monDay..
coz my nEw paiR of GlassEs wiLL only be ReaDy by thEn..

BeForE i bRoke my GlaSses..
i'vE tOt oF cooKing a MEal for goRgoR,bEttyjiE,Joe anD goRgoR's TWo woRkers..
sO i stiLL Cook b4 i WenT to makE my nEw paiR of glasSes..
hEre's waT i CookEd..

thEy SaiD tastE niCe leh..
MayBE thEy afRaiD i Dunwan To CooK for tHEm anyMORe if tHEy saY iT taSte no GooD..
haHa..bUt AfTEr all i'm noT toO saD to bReaK my GlassEs afTEr thE meaL la...=P

14 JunE 2008 [SatuRday]

WenT to goR goR's ShoP todaY..
it's Gonna takE 1 hR froM jaCksoN to FOrkEd River whEre thE shoP loCatEd..
so i'M so BOriNg anD takE ouR my PInky CamErA to STaRt TakiNg picTUre..
joE RefusEd to joIn mE..
anD asK mE to kEEp my CamEra.. -_-"

ThEn wE wEnt to haVE ouR brEakfaSt at IHOP afEtr we SettlE evErythIng in The ShoP..
IHOP is a bReaKfaSt diNE-iN RestaUrant..
NEed noT to HaVE muCh ExplanAtion..
anD hEre's RoughLy whaT we HaD..

ThEn wE bacK to The ShoP anD haD my Nails fillEd..
Oh We wenT siX Flags AdvEnturE paRK in tHE eveNing too..
onlY goT to RIdes in thE "flY mE to the MooN" 3D shoW..
anD FounD ouT that ridEs aRe cloSing..
thE laSer pAradE alSo cAnCel..
Coz a Big stoRm is COming..
by thAt timE it's so WinDy..*thOUght HUrrIcaNE was COming..hahahaha*
EveRyonE hEading towarDs thE exiT..*so CroWded*
luCkily wE goT in tHE car bEfoRe thE raiN pouRs..

tHeRe goEs my Day witHout tRying any RidEs yEt in thE paRK..
i Will bE thEre agaiN nExt timE..
maybE sunDay.. =P

SoRry PReCIous..
i ForgoT to BRIng doWn my caMera whEn i wEnt to tHE ParK.,.
i pROmiSe i WiLL takE soME picTUre duRIng my NExt VisiT okIe..
mEan WhilE..
i'M logGing oFf...muaCkz~

Friday, June 13, 2008

HappY birtHDay!


it's His biRthdaY!
so soRry thaT i couLdn't spEnd his BIrthdaY witH him..
buT hopE he likEs the PresEnt..

*HappY biRthday BenxiNG,muaCkz!*

woKe up in thE morniNg theN wasH and Dry my Cloths..
onliNE for a WhilE..
thEn watCH amaziNg racE aSia..
thEn FriEd ricE for joE anD bettY jiE as lunCh..
weNt to havE somE walk wiTh bettY jiEjie & jOe..
thEn haD our dinnEr @ chEesecake faCtory..
anD there goEs my day..

Btw..tODay's Weather is morE coolINg compaRed to thE pasT few Days..
thiNK the hEatwavE has GonE.. *huRray*
welL..KinDa slEepy noW..
GooD nighT preCious..
LoggIng off...muaCkz~

Monday, June 9, 2008

Six fLAgs


I'm in New JersEy noW..
waS herE siNCe satuRday EveNing..
wEnt to thE maLL on saturDay too..

Oh i WenT to Six Flags Hurricane Harbor on sUndaY..
iT's so HoT..
it Was rouGhly 107 FahrEnheiT celCius..
LuckIly i diD appliEd loTs of sunbLock..
ElSe i Will bE roAstEd piGgy..
buT StiLL can SeE the TonE diFFereNt of my skIn whERe covEred by bikIni..

ThEn i haD my SeaSon paSs donE..
cOst USD139.99 loR..

thEN we LEft the paRk aROund 3++pm..
it'S stiLl eaRly so We wenT to thE Six Flags Wild Safari..
it alloWs people To drivE in thEir car..
anD animaLs aRe just righT ouTside thE car..
kinDa fuN too..a diFferenT expErienCe..

tHeN we comE homE wiTh lobSter, bEef tENderlOin, anD soME frUits..
We Prepare foR DinNer..
aND the SmarT thiNg is ThaT i cuT my FinGer a liTTle whEn i cuT frUIts.. =(
buT juSt a SmaLL cuT anD i'vE banDagE on it noW..
so DUn woRRy preCIous.. =)

Oh i Must go tO Six FlagS gREat AdventuRe nexT tiME..
siNCe i havE the SeaSon pass Now..
alThough i DUn darE to riDe on those Too eXciTing kiND of ThriLL riDes likE KinDa ka..

Well..thaT's alL for Now..
a littLE laZy to conTinuE tyPing..
anD i miSS him.. =)
LogGing oFf preCiouS..muaCkz..

Thursday, June 5, 2008

a DaY ouT


it's RainIng yetERday morNinG..
mAkiNG the WeathEr so cOld..
RouGHly 60 deGree FaHrEnheiT..
so i woRe my JackeT the WholE day..
buT ppl ArouND me keep aSking me WHy am i FeelINg colD..
coZ thEY feel hoT... -_-"

UhM...WenT to 34th StreEt anD chiNAtown toDay..
TooK traIn froM BrENtwoOd tO PenN staTion aT nEwyORk ciTY..
TheN TooK suBway to 34th StrEet..
heRe's a viEw of onE small PArt OF 34TH sTReet..
CaN see eMpire statE buIlding froM theRE..
buT noT so CLeaR in the PictuRe..
ThiNK i shaLL gET one Day to go Down anD takE more PIcturE agaIN..

haD somE shoPPing wiTh mAma for A whiLE before we Go doWn to GranD strEEt..
That's wHere CHinaTown locatEd..
BouGHt lotz of CHinese FooD..
DiMsuM, BeaNcuRd, ROasTEd MEat etc...
MUm wENt to HaD haiR cuT too..
thEN we LefT afTER somE walk coZ baba Ask uS noT to Go baCK to latE..
wE r gOOd giRLs okIE.. =P

By THe Way..
hEre'S a PIcturE takEN in SubWay..
it's ReallY olD..
staTions Are Not aS clEan as SingapORe's MRT too..

tHeN thIs is NY RailWay syStEm..
baSIcallY is TRaiN laR..
moRe COmfy than SUbWay foR SurE..
iT linKs for lONger distanCe..

Oh Mum anD I maDe siLLy mistAKe..
wE boTh chattIng in THe traIN whIle we on The Way hoME anD We forGOt to geT doWn whEn the TraIN paSses BrenTWooD staTion..
No cHoiCe buT to gEt doWn aT ROkonkoMa anD buY anoTher tiCket to boArd the nExt TraiN whiCH is anOTher DIrectiOn..
COsT us $4.50 mORe..
anD stiLL leT babA lauGH at us.. -_-"

uhM..gOoD niGHt PreCiouS..
goINg to havE somE chaT wiTh baba beFore i Sleep..
LoggIng oFF..muaCkz~

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

LIttlE upDatE


I'vE spEnt two Days at Baba'S place..
whiCH is Bay Shore at loNg IslanD, NewYork...
HangINg aROUnd baba's ShoP..
tHE housE is juST behiNd the ShoP anD this iS hoW it lOOks likE froM the TUrn of tHe houSe..

The FIrst mEal i Had in US for thiS time..
an AmericAn styLE buffeT..
OfCOz..AmeriCan fooD aRe reaLLy fattEning.. =P

TheSe aRe the pEOple beiNg forCe to takE piCture wiTH me..Haha..
FIrSt is BabA..LookINg weiRd in The piCTure COz He saY WhY muSt TakE piCture so NEar..
SeCond is MaMa..StiLL looKing GooD..anD i thInk i DUn looK likE heR..hahA..
ThirD is JoE..My moST loVeabLE bROther..GIvINg mE funNY facE whEN askEd to TakE phoTo..
MosT of thE custoMEr saYs i loOk moRe likE baba..Do i? =P
WelL..anoTher funnY thiNgs is That..
manY of the CUstomeRs asK How Old am I?
So i gEt thEm to guEss..
tHEY all guEss aROUnd 15 or 16..
hahahahaha..hoW kinD they Are!!!

It's ROUghly 70 to 75 Fahrenheit (21-24 celcius) in The day tiME..
anD aROUnd 60 FahRenheiT (16 celcius) in thE nighT timE..
*niCe weatHEr huH*

HavEn't DeCIde whEN to gO New YorK ciTY for WalK..
moST proBablY aftER joE finiSh his Exam..
HeaRd thErE's a NEw m&m shop at NYC..
anD it's 3 storeYs somEmore..
looKing forwaRd..
AnyWay..Will go Back To New jErseY homE mAYbE comiNG wEEkend..
oR wEEk aftER..

kInDa TIreD noW..
loGGing oFf..MuaCkz~

Sunday, June 1, 2008

NewYork NewYork


I'm in New YorK now..
it's 1st June 2008 3.12am when i'm typiNg thIs..
lanDed at NewArk Airport aT 9.20pm..
bUt onlY managE to camE out froM cuStome at 11pm..
Gor & joE piCK me up..*ThankZ*
anD JoE gavE me a Big WaRm huG..
*JOe is ReallY taLL & biG* =P

CalLed bx afTer my abaloNE+chickEN souP froM Mama.. *wooHoo*
eveRyonE is slEeping le..
I wiLL bettEr go aNd get somE sleep Too..

Btw..ThankS to tHose whO SenD their RegardS to Me beFOre i FLy..

ThankS BenXIng for senDIng me off..
ThankS BeEhoNg for SmS me from BelaRUs..
ThankS BeehOng's moM for CallINg..
ThankS NuanNUan for CallINg..
ThankS Qimei for CallINg..
ThankS wenBIng for GoiNg to aiRport too..
ThankS GuOjiE for CallINg..
ThanKS leonG for SMS me..
ThankS SoomUn for Sms Me..
ThankS QQ Sms A day befoRe..
ThankS juDY for LEaving mSG at MY tagBOard..

ThankS ppl..i'vE reached doWn safEly le.. =)

HoPE i didn't Left ouT anyoNE for Now..
wiLL comE upDate agaIN with picture nExt timE..
lOggINg off..MuaCkz~